I am a landscape architect, urban designer, visual artist, and writer. This site is an evolving documentation of my growth.

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Founder Studio Site and Seek

Industrial Chinatowns

Re-imagine the dominant narrative on Chinatowns as places of consumption by illuminating the “hidden” materials, labor, and economies that enable New York’s manufacturing and construction industries. 

with Louise Yeung as Sunken Press

Sounds about Riso. 2022
Hindsight Conference. 2021

People often think about Chinatowns as playgrounds for consumption. Guidebooks and articles describe Chinatowns as exotic cultural buffets to be devoured, peppered with phrases like “fantasyland for foodies.” Yet, beyond the food stalls and gift shops are a less visible array of adjacent Chinese-owned industrial businesses, critical to the systems that shape New York City. Louise and I visited different neighborhoods with high concentrations of industrial land uses and observe the Chinese-operated industrial companies. The works are sketches layered on photograph and printed as 2-color riso zine.
